The Stranger, published by Skira in 2023
The Stranger, published by Skira in 2023
August in September, from The Stranger series
August in September, from The Stranger series
Johannes og hans kjæreste, 2023
Johannes og hans kjæreste, 2023
Brompton before closing, from The Stranger series
Brompton before closing, from The Stranger series
Stilleben med frukt
Stilleben med frukt
Roberto´s favorite, from The Stranger series
Roberto´s favorite, from The Stranger series
Felix, late summer, from The Stranger series
Felix, late summer, from The Stranger series
Tenner på grønn sitron, 2024, from the Summeralbum series
Tenner på grønn sitron, 2024, from the Summeralbum series
Blake on his break, from The Stranger series
Blake on his break, from The Stranger series
The Stranger, published by Skira in 2023
The Stranger, published by Skira in 2023
Markus, Law student, from The Stranger series
Markus, Law student, from The Stranger series
Leonardo, 2020
Leonardo, 2020
Things that never happened, published by Teknisk Industri, 2017
Things that never happened, published by Teknisk Industri, 2017
Things that never happened, Oslo Kunstforening, 2009
Things that never happened, Oslo Kunstforening, 2009
Seb on a Saturday, from The Stranger series
Seb on a Saturday, from The Stranger series
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Gabriel, from The Stranger series
Gabriel, from The Stranger series
Leonardo and Herman, Oslo, 2020
Leonardo and Herman, Oslo, 2020
Oransje mot det grønne, AKS, Kristiansand, 2023
Oransje mot det grønne, AKS, Kristiansand, 2023
Oransje mot det grønne#67, 2024
Oransje mot det grønne#67, 2024
Found object, Bird´s nest in hearing protection, from the exhibition Oransje mot det grønne at AKS, 2023
Found object, Bird´s nest in hearing protection, from the exhibition Oransje mot det grønne at AKS, 2023
Oransje mot det grønne#68, 2024
Oransje mot det grønne#68, 2024
Julie, from the book Things that never happened
Julie, from the book Things that never happened
Nude, found object
Nude, found object
A picture of youth, 2018, HD:video, 16:00 min, Bruksrommet, Stavanger
A picture of youth, 2018, HD:video, 16:00 min, Bruksrommet, Stavanger
Hest ved stranden, 2021, from the series Sommeralbum
Hest ved stranden, 2021, from the series Sommeralbum
From the Whisper Works series, oil on canvas, 2017, 43x33 cm
From the Whisper Works series, oil on canvas, 2017, 43x33 cm
Silvergton, 2023
Silvergton, 2023
Joe and Amelia, 2018, HD:video, 3:15 min.
Joe and Amelia, 2018, HD:video, 3:15 min.
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Ivar og Anita, 2021, from the series Sommeralbum
Ivar og Anita, 2021, from the series Sommeralbum
Return of the girl, Babel visningsrom for kunst, Trondheim, 2018
Return of the girl, Babel visningsrom for kunst, Trondheim, 2018
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Babel visningsrom for kunst, 2018
Babel visningsrom for kunst, 2018
Oskar, 2023, from the series Sommeralbum
Oskar, 2023, from the series Sommeralbum
Oransje mot det grønne#59, 2022
Oransje mot det grønne#59, 2022
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Oransje mot det grønne, AKS, Kristiansand, 2023
Oransje mot det grønne, AKS, Kristiansand, 2023
Twice as good, from the book Things that never happened
Twice as good, from the book Things that never happened
Cabin, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, 2011
Cabin, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, 2011
The tallest tree, from the book Things that never happened
The tallest tree, from the book Things that never happened
Oransje mot det grønne#56, 2022
Oransje mot det grønne#56, 2022
Return of the girl, Babel visningsrom for kunst, Trondheim, 2018
Return of the girl, Babel visningsrom for kunst, Trondheim, 2018
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Albin, 2018
Albin, 2018
Lost and found, Oslo Kunstforening, 2010
Lost and found, Oslo Kunstforening, 2010
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Christian, being still, HD:video, 4:25 min, 2011
Christian, being still, HD:video, 4:25 min, 2011
Painting from The Whisper Works series, oil on linen, 2020, 90x70 cm
Painting from The Whisper Works series, oil on linen, 2020, 90x70 cm
Together exhibition, Trondheim Kunstmuseum, 2012
Together exhibition, Trondheim Kunstmuseum, 2012
Oransje mot det grønne#35, 2020
Oransje mot det grønne#35, 2020
The quiet disaster, from the book Things that never happened
The quiet disaster, from the book Things that never happened
Oransje mot det grønne, AKS, Kristiansand, 2023
Oransje mot det grønne, AKS, Kristiansand, 2023
Blue mattress with raindrops, from the book Things that never happened
Blue mattress with raindrops, from the book Things that never happened
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Video projections, AKS, Kristiansand, 2015
Video projections, AKS, Kristiansand, 2015
Villads, 2008, HD:video, 13:00 min, KHM Gallery, Malmö
Villads, 2008, HD:video, 13:00 min, KHM Gallery, Malmö
Still life with Fabian and Didrik, from the book Things that never happened
Still life with Fabian and Didrik, from the book Things that never happened
Emilia lengter etter å bli tenåring, 2021, from the series Sommeralbum
Emilia lengter etter å bli tenåring, 2021, from the series Sommeralbum

Katt i epletre, 2020, from the series Sommeralbum
Katt i epletre, 2020, from the series Sommeralbum
Anthon, from the book Things that never happened
Anthon, from the book Things that never happened
The waiting
The waiting
Tevin, from the book Things that never happened
Tevin, from the book Things that never happened
From the group exhibition The encounter of bodies, Ystad Konstmuseum, 2017
From the group exhibition The encounter of bodies, Ystad Konstmuseum, 2017
The Stranger, published by Skira in 2023
August in September, from The Stranger series
Johannes og hans kjæreste, 2023
Brompton before closing, from The Stranger series
Stilleben med frukt
Roberto´s favorite, from The Stranger series
Felix, late summer, from The Stranger series
Tenner på grønn sitron, 2024, from the Summeralbum series
Blake on his break, from The Stranger series
The Stranger, published by Skira in 2023
Markus, Law student, from The Stranger series
Leonardo, 2020
Things that never happened, published by Teknisk Industri, 2017
Things that never happened, Oslo Kunstforening, 2009
Seb on a Saturday, from The Stranger series
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Gabriel, from The Stranger series
Leonardo and Herman, Oslo, 2020
Oransje mot det grønne, AKS, Kristiansand, 2023
Oransje mot det grønne#67, 2024
Found object, Bird´s nest in hearing protection, from the exhibition Oransje mot det grønne at AKS, 2023
Oransje mot det grønne#68, 2024
Julie, from the book Things that never happened
Nude, found object
A picture of youth, 2018, HD:video, 16:00 min, Bruksrommet, Stavanger
Hest ved stranden, 2021, from the series Sommeralbum
From the Whisper Works series, oil on canvas, 2017, 43x33 cm
Silvergton, 2023
Joe and Amelia, 2018, HD:video, 3:15 min.
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Ivar og Anita, 2021, from the series Sommeralbum
Return of the girl, Babel visningsrom for kunst, Trondheim, 2018
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Babel visningsrom for kunst, 2018
Oskar, 2023, from the series Sommeralbum
Oransje mot det grønne#59, 2022
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Oransje mot det grønne, AKS, Kristiansand, 2023
Twice as good, from the book Things that never happened
Cabin, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, 2011
The tallest tree, from the book Things that never happened
Oransje mot det grønne#56, 2022
Return of the girl, Babel visningsrom for kunst, Trondheim, 2018
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Albin, 2018
Lost and found, Oslo Kunstforening, 2010
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Christian, being still, HD:video, 4:25 min, 2011
Painting from The Whisper Works series, oil on linen, 2020, 90x70 cm
Together exhibition, Trondheim Kunstmuseum, 2012
Oransje mot det grønne#35, 2020
The quiet disaster, from the book Things that never happened
Oransje mot det grønne, AKS, Kristiansand, 2023
Blue mattress with raindrops, from the book Things that never happened
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Video projections, AKS, Kristiansand, 2015
Villads, 2008, HD:video, 13:00 min, KHM Gallery, Malmö
Still life with Fabian and Didrik, from the book Things that never happened
Emilia lengter etter å bli tenåring, 2021, from the series Sommeralbum
Katt i epletre, 2020, from the series Sommeralbum
Anthon, from the book Things that never happened
The waiting
Tevin, from the book Things that never happened
From the group exhibition The encounter of bodies, Ystad Konstmuseum, 2017
The Stranger, published by Skira in 2023
August in September, from The Stranger series
Johannes og hans kjæreste, 2023
Brompton before closing, from The Stranger series
Stilleben med frukt
Roberto´s favorite, from The Stranger series
Felix, late summer, from The Stranger series
Tenner på grønn sitron, 2024, from the Summeralbum series
Blake on his break, from The Stranger series
The Stranger, published by Skira in 2023
Markus, Law student, from The Stranger series
Leonardo, 2020
Things that never happened, published by Teknisk Industri, 2017
Things that never happened, Oslo Kunstforening, 2009
Seb on a Saturday, from The Stranger series
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Gabriel, from The Stranger series
Leonardo and Herman, Oslo, 2020
Oransje mot det grønne, AKS, Kristiansand, 2023
Oransje mot det grønne#67, 2024
Found object, Bird´s nest in hearing protection, from the exhibition Oransje mot det grønne at AKS, 2023
Oransje mot det grønne#68, 2024
Julie, from the book Things that never happened
Nude, found object
A picture of youth, 2018, HD:video, 16:00 min, Bruksrommet, Stavanger
Hest ved stranden, 2021, from the series Sommeralbum
From the Whisper Works series, oil on canvas, 2017, 43x33 cm
Silvergton, 2023
Joe and Amelia, 2018, HD:video, 3:15 min.
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Ivar og Anita, 2021, from the series Sommeralbum
Return of the girl, Babel visningsrom for kunst, Trondheim, 2018
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Babel visningsrom for kunst, 2018
Oskar, 2023, from the series Sommeralbum
Oransje mot det grønne#59, 2022
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Oransje mot det grønne, AKS, Kristiansand, 2023
Twice as good, from the book Things that never happened
Cabin, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, 2011
The tallest tree, from the book Things that never happened
Oransje mot det grønne#56, 2022
Return of the girl, Babel visningsrom for kunst, Trondheim, 2018
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Albin, 2018
Lost and found, Oslo Kunstforening, 2010
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Christian, being still, HD:video, 4:25 min, 2011
Painting from The Whisper Works series, oil on linen, 2020, 90x70 cm
Together exhibition, Trondheim Kunstmuseum, 2012
Oransje mot det grønne#35, 2020
The quiet disaster, from the book Things that never happened
Oransje mot det grønne, AKS, Kristiansand, 2023
Blue mattress with raindrops, from the book Things that never happened
Poster from the film A picture of youth
Video projections, AKS, Kristiansand, 2015
Villads, 2008, HD:video, 13:00 min, KHM Gallery, Malmö
Still life with Fabian and Didrik, from the book Things that never happened
Emilia lengter etter å bli tenåring, 2021, from the series Sommeralbum

Katt i epletre, 2020, from the series Sommeralbum
Anthon, from the book Things that never happened
The waiting
Tevin, from the book Things that never happened
From the group exhibition The encounter of bodies, Ystad Konstmuseum, 2017
show thumbnails